Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Video!

Hello everyone! Our twins are keeping up busy and growing up fast! Here is a video we took last Wednesday and I wanted to share in on the blog. :)

The twins are almost 8 weeks now, and we are very excited. They have definitely been more fussy lately, which we expected. Their first pediatrician told us the peak of fussiness is 6-8 weeks, and Andrew looked it up online as well. So, we are almost through it, and I am looking forward to that. Since we have twins, when they are both fussy at the same time, it is a lot of work to keep thme both quiet and content. Twins are very special, but they are quite demanding. We are bottle-feeding them, and we usually have to prop up bottles for them when they are hungry, since we can't hold both at the same time. We usually feed one in our arms one at a time, but when we are busy or it's just one of us, we prop both their bottles. I can't feel guilty about it because there are so many things to be done sometimes, such as housework, cooking, finances, and staying on top of health insurance issues, for both me and them.

I also was reading a magazine earlier published by AWHONN, Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nurses, that I think was given to me by the hospital I delivered at. I did not care for the magazine at all! I was upset by the "propaganda"-like articles in it. I am not breastfeeding my twins because I physically have a hard time of it and emotionally it was too much for me. They both eat a lot and I can't spend all my time pumping and feeding. I need help, especially because they are twins. They have been growing wonderfully because of the formula and my family loves being able to help feeding them. But for a magazine article to make women feel bad if they are bottle-feeding is unfair. Yes, breastmilk is awesome and all that, but so is formula. Women should not feel guilty if they choose for any reason not to breastfeed. At the hosital I delivered at I said I wanted to TRY breastfeeding and I was pushed and pushed. The night after they were born I broke down in tears because I was getting no sleep because of pumping and trying to feed. Formula is the way to go for us and I am not ashamed. Mothers out there, if you choose to bottle-feed, no one has any right to make you feel guilty or bad about it!

Sorry about that rant, but women need to know that they have a choice when it comes to how they decide to feed and take care of their babies. Anyway, I love being a mother and I am so much more productive than I have ever been in my life! :) I also wrote a short story that I am submitting to a magazine and I have another in the works for a contest! I am also working on the outline of a novel that I am very excited about, so we shall see what happens with that! I am so glad to have found my writing inspiration again. I also can sneak in time to read and watch movies with Andrew, so that has also been wonderful. I also got the twins settled on their new health insurance, and when we received their Member ID cards in the mail, I felt so proud of myself. Health insurance is no easy task and it takes many phone calls to move things along. The twins have their 2 month wellness check next Thursday, and I am looking forward to it, but I am a bit nervous. Their first pediatrician was someone I knew and liked very much. I just hope their new doctor will be as good.

Anyway, that is what's happening with us right now. :) Ta ta for now!